อีกหนึ่งความประทับใจจากคุณเเม่ทั่วโลกหลังจากใช้ผ้าคาดหน้าท้องหลังคลอด Belly Bandit เพื่อนเเท้คุณเเม่หลังคลอด
We LOVE getting your before and after Belly Bandit photos!
Here's the latest from new mom Cassondra -- thank you!
"I started wearing the bamboo belly bandit the first day home from the hospital. It was super soft and easy to put on and wear. It was easily hidden underneath clothing and comfortable. I was able to see results clearly as I watched the amount of velcro showing slowly disappear! I will definitely be wearing it again after the birth of my second son this coming November!"
Credit : Belly Bandit USA Facebook
Here's to a healthy Colsyn and a happy Mommy - thank you for sharing your incredible story with us! xoxo
"My name is Ashley and my son Colsyn was born with neuroblastoma, which is children's cancer. He was delivered by c-section and spent 2 weeks in the NICU. I was not going to leave him alone so I spent most of the time sleeping in the waiting room, and right after a c-section sleeping in a cha
ir was not ideal! Thank god I
had a Belly Bandit, it made everything a little more comfortable and
held everything together nice and tight so I could recover as quick as
possible to be there for my little boy!
His surgery went well and he is finally getting better! This has been the most stressful thing I have ever gone through, but once a bit of stress had passed I looked down to realize my belly was completely gone, after just 4 weeks! Amazing!!!
I have the B.F.F, and recently purchased the Mother Tucker. I'm obsessed with all of your products!
The BEST news is that Colsyn is so strong and the surgery got all of the tumor out!"
His surgery went well and he is finally getting better! This has been the most stressful thing I have ever gone through, but once a bit of stress had passed I looked down to realize my belly was completely gone, after just 4 weeks! Amazing!!!
I have the B.F.F, and recently purchased the Mother Tucker. I'm obsessed with all of your products!
The BEST news is that Colsyn is so strong and the surgery got all of the tumor out!"
Credit : Belly Bandit USA Facebook
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